Meet the Program

Forests, woodlands, and protected areas

Inventory and Monitoring

In the field of Forests, woodlands, and protected areas Inventory and Monitoring, the Democritus University of Thrace's Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) of the Department of Forestry and Management of Environment and Natural Resources aims to offer advanced education and research.

The PSP provides an exciting opportunity for comprehensive training and the promotion of scientific and professional skills. The program typically lasts two semesters and includes an intensive summer program.

For students who are working, part-time study options allow them to customize the PSP's duration; additionally, studies may be suspended.

The curriculum consists of lectures, lab work, exams, individual or group projects, and the option for distance learning. It is organized according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). A master's degree requires seventy-five (75) ECTS.

The traineeship, as an essential component of the PSP structure, provides students with the chance to apply academic knowledge in real-world working situations. Our graduates receive training to actively participate in the inventory, monitoring, and management of forest resources and protected areas, with a greater focus on hands-on experience and integrated education.

Concurrently, the program ensures that students with disabilities or special educational needs have equal access to services and facilities and supports students in developing research integrity and ethical codes.

Students are encouraged and rewarded for their exceptional academic performance through the program's scholarship and award offerings.

Our top priority is to provide students with an advanced and dynamic learning environment that inspires them to reach their full academic and professional potential. We will achieve this through continuously improving and updating the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Anyone with a bachelor's degree or higher who is interested in protecting and managing forests, woodlands, and protected areas is welcome to apply to the program.

Students with employment or other commitments can still participate in the program, as it allows for part-time study and gives them options when they can't devote themselves entirely to their studies.

Furthermore, students with disabilities or special educational needs have guaranteed access to the program, as part of a strategy that promotes equality and diversity.

How can someone be accepted?

Interested parties will have to submit an Application, together with the required supporting documents, as specified in the Call. The criteria for the evaluation of candidates are defined in accordance with Article 5 of the Internal Regulation of the PSP.

How long does the program last?

The program runs on an annual basis (from the third week of October to the second week of August). More specifically, the first semester begins the third week of October and finishes the second week of February. The second semester begins the third week of February and finishes the fourth week of May. Students complete their traineeships during the summer, which runs from the first week of June to the second week in August.

It should be noted, however, that part-time training is available for working students or anyone who may require more time to complete the program, as well as study suspension. In this scenario, the program's duration might be extended.

Does the program lead to an accredited degree?

Students who successfully complete the program receive an accredited Master's Degree (Master of Science - MSc).

Since this program is housed within a public university, it is able to provide a postgraduate degree that is recognized both nationally and internationally, as well as in accordance with European standards, including the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the European Higher Education Area.

To obtain a master's degree, one must complete seventy-five (75) ECTS.

As per the National and European Qualifications Framework, the degree granted to our graduates is at level seven (7).

How is the class being attended? In person or online?

Students can join some lectures from home using MSTeams, a modern platform for distance learning.

Are there tuition fees?

The completion of the PSP registration requires the payment of the first period's costs of € 600.00, which can be paid up to ten days after the registration is completed. The second period cost of EUR 600.00 and the third period cost of € 600.00 are due within ten days of the beginning of the respective period. The entire cost of tuition is 1,800.00 €.

Do you offer any scholarships? Is there a provision for tuition fee waiver?

An award for excellence is awarded based on a) regular full-time attendance and b) a successful examination throughout the duration of the program. A monetary award of 600,00 € is given to the student who passes the program's tests and has the highest average rating throughout their enrollment year.

To be eligible for tuition-free education during the academic year 2024–2025, they must meet the following requirements:

- An individual's income cannot exceed € 10,050.00, or ten thousand and fifty euros.

- A household member's taxable income cannot exceed seven thousand thirty-five euros (€7,035.00).

- Academic excellence in the first course of study must be attained, meaning that a grade of at least 7.5/10 should be met.

There can be no more than thirty percent (30%) of the total enrolled students per academic year taking advantage of free tuition.

For more information read the relevant Government Gazettes here and here.  

Can I pursue a doctorate further?

Program graduates can pursue doctoral degrees and further their education in academia. Those interested in enrolling as doctoral candidates at a given institution are required to comply with the institution's Doctoral Regulations.

Teaching Staff

Kalliopi Radoglou

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Director of the PSP

Vasiliki Dimou

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Vasileios Drosos

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Thomas Katagis

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Kyriaki Kitikidou

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Georgios Korakis

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Elias Milios

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Michalis Orfanoudakis

Teaching and Research academic staff of the Department

Nikolaos Georgopoulos

Foreign associate

Ioannis Gitas

Teaching and Research academic staff
Foreign associate

Sylvia Zakkak

Foreign associate

Evangelia Korakaki

Foreign associate

Nikos Markos

Foreign associate

Gavriil Spyroglou

Foreign associate

Alexandra Stefanidou

Foreign associate

Mariangela Fotelli

Foreign associate

The following establishments provided training for our students:


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